
Information for Apprentices - State Standards - Dress Code - Non-Discrimination 


Please call 206-762-8332 or email FTINW or your Trade Coordinator for information, if you may miss a class, if you have tuition questions, or if you have other questions.

Contact Us 

Registered Apprenticeship State Standards

Each of FTINW's apprenticeship programs is state registered and has its own approved state standards; the 'constitution' governing the administration of the program.  Please click on the following links: 

Drywall Finishing: https://apps-public.lni.wa.gov/TradesLicensing/Apprenticeship/files/standards/1935.pdf

[if the above link has been changed by Washington state, internet search "Washington apprentice standards drywall 1935" to be directed to the drywall finishing standards]. 

Eastern Washington Painting & Drywall Finishing: https://apps-public.lni.wa.gov/TradesLicensing/Apprenticeship/files/standards/0161.pdf

[if the above link has been changed by Washington state, internet search "Washington apprentice standards eastern painting drywall 0161" to be directed to the eastern Washington standards]. 

Floor Covering:  https://apps-public.lni.wa.gov/TradesLicensing/Apprenticeship/files/standards/0107.pdf

[if the above link has been changed by Washington state, internet search "Washington apprentice standards floor 0107" to be directed to the floor covering standards]. 

Commercial Glazing: https://apps-public.lni.wa.gov/TradesLicensing/Apprenticeship/files/standards/0294.pdf

[if the above link has been changed by Washington state, google "Washington apprentice standards glaziers commercial 0294" to be directed to the commercial glazing standards]. 

Residential Glazing: https://apps-public.lni.wa.gov/TradesLicensing/Apprenticeship/files/standards/0294.pdf

[if the above link has been changed by Washington state, internet search "Washington apprentice standards glaziers residential 0294" to be directed to the residential glazing standards]. 

Painting - Commercial/Marine/Industrial/CAS: https://apps-public.lni.wa.gov/TradesLicensing/Apprenticeship/files/standards/0073.pdf

[if the above link has been changed by Washington state, google "Washington apprentice standards painting 0073" to be directed to the painting standards]. 

Traffic Control Striping: https://apps-public.lni.wa.gov/TradesLicensing/Apprenticeship/files/standards/0073.pdf

[traffic control striping is a program under the painting standards; if the above link has been changed by Washington state, google "Washington apprentice standards traffic 0073" to be directed to the painting standards].  

Apprentice and Instructor Dress Code/Code of Conduct

Apprentices are to bring and wear to class the approved boots/pants/shirts and safety gear that are required under their collective bargaining agreement and applicable safety regulations.  Contact your trade training coordinator if you have any questions.

Dress Code

Mandatory for all FTINW Classes, JATC meetings, and Events 

Professional work dress is required for all classes, JATC meetings, and events at the Finishing Trades Institute NW building and other FTINW training facilities.  Staff also has to comply with this dress code. 

Apprentices not complying with the dress code will not be able to attend class or JATC meetings. 

This dress code matches contract dress requirements for apprentices at work.   Lockers are available on request for those desiring storage at the Finishing Trades Building.  Please address any questions to your Program Coordinator. 


IUPAT/FTI/DISTRICT/LOCAL t-shirt, polo, button-up; or

vendor or training agent company t-shirt, polo, button-up; or

white or solid color t-shirt; or

plain or training agent hi-visibility shirt; or

white button-down [instructor and painter/drywall]

button up shirt [plain/plaid/no logo]


Whites for Commercial Painters and Drywall Finishers

Khakis/greys/canvas pants – if permitted by contract

Blue Jeans - if permitted by contract

[note: for instructors/staff – blue jeans only on lab/work days


             Close toed/close topped shoes at all times

             Work boots in all labs.

             Separate shoes or booties for Drywall Lab Work


             Bring Safety Glasses

             Bring Respirator as appropriate for trade


        No shorts, no tanks, no logos or design t-shirts

             [other than company/union/FTINW, etc. listed above]

        No torn pants or shirts, no faded, bleached, patched pants or shirts.

Apprentice Responsibilities

Standards:  Your apprentice program’s standards are state approved requirements for your benefit.  They are structured for you to become a trained professional with journey worker skills.  You should review the standards at the start of each year.  If you have misplaced your standards, ask for a new copy from the FTINW office.  They are also available through the links above  Washington State requires that On The Job (OJT) training hours and Related Supplemental Instruction (RSI) hours to be documented for all registered apprentices.  Attendance in class is required even when you are unemployed. 

Work Progress Report:  Work progress reports listing your OJT hours must be submitted to the apprenticeship office monthly.  You must submit your WPRs before the 10th of the following month.  Failure to submit and document your hours doing the listed tasks on the job will result in your being canceled from the program.  Forms are available at the apprenticeship office and can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the office. 

Tuition and Parking:  All Apprentices are responsible for their own tuition and parking fees.  Park in white striped paid parking spaces.  Tuition must be paid to South Seattle  College prior to or on the first day of class in each quarter.  If tuition is not paid you will not be allowed in class and you will be logged as absent.  In case of extreme financial hardship, please talk with your training coordinator.  Be active in your training! 

RSI Hours and Attendance:  In order to comply with the State Standards, all apprentices must attend a minimum of 144 hours of RSI classes per year.  Apprentices are expected to attend all assigned classes during the school year.  Any apprentice who is absent three (3) times or twelve (12) hours in any quarter can be suspended from his/her job and classes and  will be required to appear in front of the next scheduled Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (JATC ) meeting.  Their employer will be informed the apprentice may be cancelled.   Failure to attend classes will result in the extension, suspension and or cancellation of your apprenticeship.   Arrangements have to be made with the coordinator to make up class hours.  Apprentices are not allowed to attend Journeyman Upgrade Training classes without consent from the training coordinator.  You are required to be in class on time, neatly dressed, prepared to work with a grip, hand tools, respirator, proper footwear and PPE. 

Late/Leaving Class/Sleeping/Cellphones: Any apprentice failing to be in class on time, sleeping in class, using a cell phone in class, or who does not remain in class until dismissed by the instructor, two (2) times will be logged as having missed one (1) class. 

Work/On the Job Learning:  Your employer is not allowed to schedule you to work where that work interferes with your assigned class schedule, unless arrangements are made in advance.  You must show up to work on time, with the necessary tools, safety equipment and clothing to perform your work duties.  Evaluations of your progress at work will be submitted to the apprenticeship committee by your employer. 

Appear / CancelIf you receive an appear/cancel letter, you must appear before the joint apprenticeship committee (JATC) and explain why you should not be terminated for non-compliance with the standards. Failure to attend this meeting will result in your being canceled from the program, unless otherwise excused.  There are provisions in the standards for appealing decisions made by the JATC.  You have 30 days from your cancellation to appeal.  You will be informed by letter of the decisions made by the JATC on your apprenticeship. 

Address Changes:  You must let the apprenticeship office know if your address changes. You are responsible to keep FTINW informed on how to contact you.  Contact FTINW if you become unemployed or have other issues that may affect your successful completion of your apprenticeship program.  Be active in your training! 


Drugs & Alcohol & Abusive Behavior:  Any apprentice that enters any class or the Apprenticeship and Training Building under the influence of drugs or alcohol and/or is physically or verbally abusive to other apprentices, instructors, staff of the Community College, the Coordinator or Training Office Staff will be removed from class by the Coordinator or Instructor and counted as absent.  Should this occur he/she will be suspended from class and be required to appear before the JATC for possible discipline, suspension or cancellation. 


[rev 2014-10]

            The Finishing Trades Institute Northwest (“FTINW”) is committed to ensuring that apprentices and journey workers have an opportunity to work and learn in an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment.  Harassment or discrimination based on sex, race, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability is strictly prohibited.  This policy supplements other FTINW rules and federal, state, and local laws, which remain fully applicable to FTINW community members.


Any harassing or discriminatory conduct which is based on sex, race, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability is prohibited. 

Harassment includes any unwelcome verbal, physical or visual conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion towards an individual because of his/her gender, race, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability. 

Examples of prohibited conduct include, but are not limited to: 

  • Slurs and epithets.
  • Negative stereotyping.
  • Emails, cartoons, or other visual displays that depict groups or individuals in a derogatory way.
  • Jokes or other comments that are derogatory

Sexual harassment includes harassment based on another person’s gender or harassment based upon pregnancy or childbirth.  Sexual harassment includes behavior of a sexual nature that is unwelcome and personally offensive to its recipients.  It can also be behavior that is simply abusive, with no sexual element, if it is directed at an individual because of his or her sex.  Behavior that may be acceptable in a social setting may not be appropriate in the workplace or academic setting. 

Examples of prohibited conduct include, but are not limited to:

  • Innuendoes, slurs, sexually suggestive comments, rumors, jokes of a sexual nature and lewd comments.
  • Sexually suggestive objects or pictures.
  • Leering, whistling, and obscene gestures.
  • Unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature, including brushing up against the body, pinching, and blocking or impeding movement. 

This policy is also violated if an instructor, Trustee, Committee member, or any other employee or agent of FTINW engages in harassing conduct towards an apprentice or journey worker, engages in discriminatory conduct towards an apprentice or journey worker, or makes unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors from an apprentice or journey worker.  Submission to such conduct will not be a term or condition of apprenticeship or journey status nor be used as a basis for decisions concerning an apprentice’s apprenticeship or a journey workers credentials or journey status.

This policy is also applicable to the conduct of FTINW apprentices, journey workers, instructors, employees, Trustees, and Committee members, between and among themselves, with other members of the FTINW community, and as respects FTINW training and business, with Northwest region construction and public community members at large.


FTINW is committed to taking reasonable steps to prevent discrimination and harassment from occurring and will take immediate and appropriate action when it knows that unlawful conduct has occurred.  Each apprentice and journey worker is responsible for supporting and adhering to this policy.  Apprentices and journey workers should not tolerate inappropriate behavior. 

If anyone observes questionable behavior or conduct, whether directed at him/her or directed at another individual, then that individual should immediately report the behavior to the Director of Training, a Trustee or to a JATC Committee member.  Concerns about discrimination or harassment should be reported at the earliest possible opportunity before behaviors become severe or pervasive.   Anyone reporting questionable behavior or conduct or receiving a report of questionable behavior or conduct also shall immediately advise the Trust Co-chairs that such a report is pending.

FTINW will promptly and thoroughly investigate all claims of harassment and discrimination.  Complaints will be handled with sensitivity, discretion and confidentiality to the extent allowed by the circumstances and the law.  Generally this means that allegations will be shared only with those who have a need to know so that the FTINW can conduct an effective investigation and take appropriate action to prevent any further violations of this policy. 

            If the FTINW concludes that unlawful harassment or discrimination occurred, prompt and effective remedial action will be taken.  This may include discipline of the responsible person and other actions to remedy the effects of the conduct and to prevent future conduct.  No action will be taken against any person who in good faith files a complaint or who assists in the investigation of such a complaint by providing information.  Individuals who believe they have been retaliated against for having filed a complaint or having participated in an investigation of a complaint are urged to promptly notify the Director of Training, a Trustee, or a Committee member.  Appropriate corrective measures will be taken if allegations of retaliation are substantiated.