DSC 0787 rs

Drywall Finisher




Drywall Finishers

Drywall Finishers fill joints between drywall panels with joint compound, tape joints and corners, and specially prepare drywall and other surfaces to be painted.  Walls, soffits, columns, and curved and arched work areas are prepared to high levels of finish.  The work of a drywall finisher is physically demanding. To work on ceilings and elevated areas, installers and tapers stand on stilts, ladders, or scaffolds.
The drywall apprenticeship is a 3 year program. The apprenticeship consists of 6000 hours (3 years) of on the job training and 144 hours of trade related classroom instruction per year. Classes generally are scheduled in 1 week block training sessions three quarters per year; Fall, Winter, Spring.
Pay scale at: http://iupatdc5.org/wage-schedules

Journeyworker Safety Training Fund


For Journeyworker required classes visit https://iupatdc5.org/contracts/